In comes creative thoughts and ideas for the fridge.
I love the look of the chalkboard paint on the fridge, the ability to add our meal plans to the fridge, and the overall style. So in come the challenges:
1. Painting the fridge. Once the fridge is painted, then I am committed to it with no going back. And if I change my mind, there aren't a lot of options other than to paint the fridge a different color. Fortunately for me, our fridge has tracks that allows you to insert panels into your fridge.
2. Finding the right-size masonite. For our project, we needed 1/4" thick masonite. A check for several Lowe's and Home Depots let us know that they only carried 1/8" and 3/16". In a moment of frustration, we considered just added cardboard behind the panels, but this could lead to chatter as we wrote on the board. A search of specialty lumber stores found exactly what we were looking for. Yeah!
3. Chalkboard dust. Dust is always a problem and adding more to it and on a hardwood floor, no thanks. After doing a bit of research, I found out that there is a lovely project called Chalkboard Ink and there are A LOT of colors!